Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the cost benefit of using Evolution Billing?

A: We provide a total turnkey billing & technology package, in most cases there are no implementation costs to the agency for our fully integrated ePCR and billing services. Revenue and cash flow improve often significantly due to total system integration and our unmatched experience.

Q: Our agency doesn't bill. Is there a benefit to using your system?

A: ZOLL RescueNet® is the industry leading ePCR with unmatched ability for customization and ease of use. Even if your agency doesn't bill, our services can be tailored to your needs adding to productivity, reporting compliance and speeding turn around times.

Q: Why should my agency switch to ePCR's?

A: Please see the ePCR White Paper on our main menu. Click here! Also check out our "ePCR Difference" section which you can reach by clicking the link on the left side of the page.

Q: Would our agency need to purchase new equipment?

A: A ruggedized tablet computer is required for ePCR documentation and system interface. We can provide several options including low and no-cost programs.

Q: Are your employees familiar with EMS? Do they understand industry issues?

A: Our employees are ALL EMS professionals many with over 20 years experience in the field.

Q: Do you provide technical support by phone? Will I be able to speak to a live person?

A: One of our value-added services is a 24/7 live help desk. Someone is ALWAYS available by phone to help you.

Q: Does your company only provide billing and recovery for ePCR's? Can we stay with paperwork?

A: We provide full spectrum EMS billing services. We have billed paper PCR’s for 25 years and ePCR’s for over 8 years. We continue to provide both services.

Q: Our agency only has a few providers, is there any benefit for us to use your service?

A: Any size agency will see the benefit of transitioning to a true integrated process. We have agencies from 1 ambulance to over 30 ambulance utilizing our services.

Q: Can we upgrade to ePCR's later?

A: Absolutely.

Q: Do I need to purchase Zoll equipment to use your service?

A: No, ZOLL Data Systems is the ePCR software / technical partner for our services. Any major biomedical device works with the system.

Q: What is the average turn-around for setting up your service?

A: We would need to review an agencies current practices and then build our system to scale. Our times are as little as 3-5 days.

Q: How secure is your ePCR system? Are there guarantees on security? Are electronically submitted PCR's encrypted?

A: The system is fully encrypted, HIPAA and NEMSIS compliant. ePCR’s are encrypted during management and transmission. Security guarantees are the industry standard.

Q: Are there any HIPAA concerns with ePCR systems?

A: HIPAA concerns are essentially eliminated as the system in built around HIPAA standards and Best-Practices. Lost paperwork, misplaced PCR’s etc. are eliminated.

Q: What happens if a tablet breaks? What if it breaks in the field and the crew needs to complete a report?

A: We have managed over 500,000 ePCR transactions and have maintained 100% data integrity. Our help desk will assist should the scenario arise.

The units auto back-up constantly to maintain and protect data.

Q: How long would our ePCR's be stored?

A: We offer perpetual storage. Or as an agency contract dictates.

Q: Can ePCR's be viewed and accessed individually from our offices?

A: We provide secure web-based reporting access. You and your agency can view PCR’s within seconds of call completion and have access to the most powerful Clinical, QA/QI and Financial reporting platform in the industry.

Copyright 2010 Evolution Billing Concepts, LLC. All Rights Reserved - 877-367-7717